This is item in Troubleshooting safety valve table
Safety valve seat (is) leakingProbable cause Safety valve is flattering Can you pretty please, tell me if there is any other word for flattering in this context, or what is safety valve doing while flattering.Fluttering -- to flutter... move quickly and uncontrollably in an open and closing motion. "It is normally difficult to adjust a valve for both phases. With the PSE proportional safety valve, it has been possible to prevent the valve fluttering, .."An anti-fluttering valve construction includes a valve member with integral stem received in an oversize cylindrical bore in a guide which can give rise to fluttering of the valve member when it is unseated. To avoid fluttering, the guide at one or both ends of the bore is segmented and a spring surrounds the free ends of the segments to deform them inwardly to define a conically inwardly tapering portion of the bore which makes highly localized contact with the valve stem. 'ball valve,gate valve,check valve,globe valve,butt | Fault ... Safety valve in the discharge occurred during the jitter phenomenon, called a safety valve flutter, flutter easily result in the occurrence of the ...